Tutto ciò che riguarda telerium

tellurium (Te), semimetallic chemical element Sopra the oxygen group (Group 16 [Corso] of the periodic table), closely allied with the element selenium Con chemical and physical properties. Tellurium is a silvery white element with properties intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals; it makes up approximately one part per billion of Earth’s crust.
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Tellurium does not readily form analogues of alcohols and thiols, with the functional group –TeH, that are called tellurols. The –TeH functional group is also attributed using the prefix tellanyl-.
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Iron is called by the name of Mars whether employed for the making of weapons of war, of which Mars was said to be the God or because of the influences from which iron receives from this planet." It is interesting that we now know that the colour of this red planet is due to the oxides of iron. The chemists called copper, Venus both by reason of the influences, altre informazioni which possibly it receives from that planet and of the virtue it had Sopra diseases seated Per mezzo di the purpose of generation. This is referring to early treatments of venereal diseases, the diseases of Venus.
This project by the University of Nevada, Reno will assess the tellurium extraction potential of existing mining supply chains, providing baseline data for the targeting of high priority areas for enhanced tellurium extraction. This will increase sustainability and ensure secure supplies of this critical commodity for U.S. industry. Topic Terreno 3: New Device Configurations and Processes
Although there are adequate supplies of the element, mai single use has been developed that creates a large demand for it. Small amounts of tellurium increase the ductility of aluminum alloys, the hardness and tensile strength of tin alloys, and the machinability of stainless steel and copper; Sopra lead and Sopra manganese-magnesium alloys, it increases resistance to corrosion.
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Tellurium has been used to vulcanise rubber, to tint glass and ceramics, in solar cells, Per rewritable CDs and DVDs and as a catalyst Per oil refining. It can be doped with silver, gold, copper or tin Con semiconductor applications.
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Like selenium, it is less often found uncombined than as compounds of metals such as copper, lead, silver, or gold and is obtained chiefly as a by-product of the refining of copper or lead. Mai large use for tellurium has been found.